Successful Arbitration: Strategies for Resolving Wind & Property Claims
Pres ID
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
9:00 AM - 10:45 AM (CST)
Location Name
Landmark Ballroom B&C - Lobby Level
CE/CEU Approved
CE/CEU Approved

Featuring perspectives from all sides, this workshop will guide participants through the arbitration process and how to effectively use arbitration as a tool for resolving wind/property claims. Information will be delivered through an interactive panel discussion. Panel presenters include: an arbitrator; an attorney representing policyholders; an attorney representing insurance carriers; and an insurance industry executive.     

To submit questions for the speakers, visit SLIDO and use the event code #WIND. Once you submit a question, a moderator will approve questions to display for the speakers. Once approved, you can "like" questions to move them up in the queue.

Christy Brigman Steven Bush Jose Pagan