Are There Any Solutions to the Issues We Always Argue About in the Property Insurance Arena?
Pres ID
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
4:15 PM - 6:00 PM (CST)
Location Name
Landmark Ballroom B&C - Lobby Level
CE/CEU Approved
Join Chip & Steve for Drinks and Debate! Beverages will be provided to attendees while the presentation will be a one hour 45-minute long discussion and debate on current issues that arise in property damage claims. The method of instruction used for this session will be an interactive discussion. Q&A among the attendees will the emphatically encouraged.
To submit questions for the speakers, visit SLIDO and use the event code #WIND. Once you submit a question, a moderator will approve questions to display for the speakers. Once approved, you can "like" questions to move them up in the queue.
