Claim Abuse and the Overcorrection Damaging Consumers
Pres ID
Monday, January 27, 2025
10:15 AM - 12:00 PM (CST)
Location Name
Landmark Ballroom B&C - Lobby Level
CE/CEU Approved
CE/CEU Approved

Panelists will discuss a brief history on claims handling prior to the rise of AOB's, public adjusters, and soliciting plaintiff attorneys. Panel will then discuss the initial consequences of the insurance market/adjusting techniques upon opportunists entering the claim recovery arena. Finally, the panel will discuss what the future holds after the insurance companies and legislature have potentially overcorrected the issue with shrinking coverage endorsements and reducing and/or eliminating recovery of attorney fees in the event of dispute.     

To submit questions for the speakers, visit SLIDO and use the event code #WIND. Once you submit a question, a moderator will approve questions to display for the speakers. Once approved, you can "like" questions to move them up in the queue.

Chip Merlin Craig Kobel Pablo Caceres